Creating exciting
content solutions
Creating exciting
content solutions
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About Us

What We Do

Crunchnetic creates content and works with content owners to convert consumers and monetise digital content.  We manage the content hosting, marketing and payment journeys for our clients and services.

Digital Content

We are always looking to add to and improve consumer content offerings for our clients and our customers.  Our lifestyle enhancing applications provide fantastic entertainment, get our consumers fit and healthy and save our customers money with deals, discounts and chances to win fantastic prizes.


We match consumers up with the products they want to purchase and we make it very straightforward to pay with our numerous payment integrations and clear payment journeys available. 

Digital Content

Our apps are intuitive and provide our, and our clients, customers with great user experiences.  We are always open to new partnerships with digital content owners and we can ensure we match customers up with the content they want with our experienced marketing team.

“We pride ourselves on making great responsive apps for consumers to enjoy all around the globe”

Our content is updated daily, keeping it fresh and exciting for our customers.  Ease of use and a great consumer experience is key to us and key to our consumers enjoying our products and getting the great value they deserve.  We are always innovating and exploring new content opportunities, so if you are a digital content owner, then get in touch!


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